Throughout 100 posts, I've enjoyed writing as well as my wife, partner and teammate Pam and my creative and caring daughter, Kathryn. Various topics have included everything from guys and gadgets, teen's bedroom decor, to designing a pet-friendly home. I also bring you first-hand real estate news and current market trends.
I also rely on Pam as well for her web design, content curation, and digital marketing skills. I count on her great dedication, effort and diligence she provides to me monthly (free of charge)!
I hope you find our posts fresh, inspiring and informative. I have enjoyed your feedback and continue to encourage you to submit post topics you’d like us to research and write about.
A HUGE thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a faithful subscriber over these past 2 years. From my family to yours, have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!